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He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


badger badger

A real character, who battled on against so many ailments to live to the ripe old age of 17!
God Bless Little Man x


heidi heidi

Another real star, who used to love sneaking under the covers during the night!
Passed away at the age of ten, god bless her x


Kiraweb Kiraweb

A beautiful girl who had been deprived of any form of life. Hence she was afraid of everything, and ultimately her fear cost her dearly. I'll never forget you Princess x


KyleWeb KyleWeb

A little live wire who's second chance was cruelly taken away from him. God Bless You Son x


MaxWeb MaxWeb

You deserved so much more out of life big man. A victim of ignorance x


portia portia

This old lady really touched my heart in the month or so I was lucky to know her. She came to the shelter in which I worked abandoned and underweight. After many chickens and large meals, she still wasn’t putting on any weight and it became obvious that there was something seriously wrong.

However, off the lead she had so much energy. She loved her ball and got on great with other dogs. She even came home with me for a few days to give her a break from the kennels. On Friday 2nd November she took a turn for the worse, and the vet found a large tumour on her liver. I had to let her go. My last words to her, was that she wasn't alone, and as she moved on she left behind someone who loved her very much.

She deserved more out of life, but I'd like to think that in her final days I gave her as much love and pleasure as she gave me.
God bless you sweetheart x


FearnWeb FearnWeb

Fearn’s story is a really sad one. She came to me when no-one wanted her, and when she literally had nowhere else to go. She suffered from a condition called 'Pancreatitis' which meant she didn't digest her food properly, and was constantly under weight. She had a bit of a chequered past, but it was all food related. Despite her loving her new brother and sister dearly, one day her body's desire for food became too strong and she attacked her sister, leaving her with serious injuries. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, and it was obvious that inside she was so unhappy and unstable in this life. Despite what she did, I love her and I miss her. I know she’s ! up there waiting at Rainbow Bridge. x


kaiweb KaiWeb

Kai was a tortured soul, who's fate was decided by all the neglect and mistreatment he suffered early in his life. A ladies man, who found true love in his life. Big man, you'll never be forgotten. x


taylor taylor

04.08.02 - 14.11.07

Taylor, had a life-long illness which was called Pancreatic Enzymes, Which cost £100 a month to keep him going. But every three months he would get very ill, And unfortunately on 14 November last year, it got the better of him. My Nan and mum rushed him down to the vets, He just collapsed on the floor, My Nan mum & vet tried to pick him up. But he just had no strength, even though he was being helped by 2 other people! He seems to have enjoyed his life, before he died, Like he was a puppy again. Me and my mum never went downstairs for 2 days, it felt so empty and very cold. We just stayed upstairs. He is gone but never will be forgotten.
Karen, SHAK Supporter


Bruno Bruno

Bruno came to us all the way from Southampton, looking for a new start due to no fault of his own. He had a history of a poorly stomach, but that was put down to a food allergy, and we tried to combat it with various specialist diets, although it turned out to be something a lot worse.

On February 17th 2009 we had to give up the fight, and let him move on to a better place. Bruno gave us so many ups and downs in the time we had him. He was such a loving, yet grumpy big guy. I for one don’t regret trying to help him, and right to the end, he was a gentleman and a calming influence on the other dogs. Below is brief description of his illness, written by volunteer Sharon Ness who was with him right to the end. Run free Bruno, God bless you.

“His blood tests showed a significantly low level of protein which the vets say was obvious given his emaciated state.
The scan showed nothing and they felt an x ray would yield no valuable information as they could feel the whole of his intestines when examining him. Several of the vets reviewed him, his results and his history during the time they had cared for him.
The consensus of opinion was that it was inflammatory bowel disease as debilitating as cancer, if not that then a diffuse lymphoma causing multiple small tumours throughout the bowel. Definite diagnosis would have required surgery to take biopsies but this was something that they felt was too much for him to cope with in his very poor state of health.
Basically his immune system was attacking his own gut and causing an absorption problem and profuse diarrhoea. It would be untreatable and progressively worsening. The vets felt that they could not offer any interventions and the best thing for Bruno was to be put to sleep.
The whole illness would have occurred regardless of where he was living and was not contributed to by "kennel stress".
Bruno very quietly and peacefully was put to sleep 4pm this afternoon while I cradled his head and told him to go off and have a great run after some free at Rainbow Bridge little man xxxxxx


Roxy Roxy

Who passed away 14th March 2009 aged just 3.
To a precious bundle of joy who gave more love in her short life than anyone could have wished for - words can not say how much you are missed. K x