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me and scoobyme and scooby
scoobyscooby in the snow
scoobyscooby having fun



Scooby represents one of our biggest challenges yet, as he was found chained to a tree in his back garden after his owners had emigrated. He has clearly been neglected and abused, and the real horror story is the permanent damage that has been caused to him mentally and physically. Scooby is blind in one eye after it is alleged he was stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver.

As you can imagine, Scooby is very insecure, and when he first came to us was showing signs of clear stress and fear aggression. The damage that has been done to this dog is truly sickening.

Scooby is progressing everyday, and is the first dog in our Retirement Scheme. He is slowly learning to trust people, and loves going out on walks by the river. It really is the simple things in life that makes him happy. It's highly likely that he has never seen so much, and he is clearly revelling in his new found surroundings.

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